How to increase potency in a man: an overview of simple and reliable ways

A man faced impotence in an intimate life

When men face various difficulties in their intimate lives, they panic, taking strong medications to improve the situation. However, there are very safe ways to quickly increase potency in men at home. Of course, such funds take more time, but are no less effective as they not only alleviate external symptoms but can also eliminate the root cause of erectile dysfunction. So let’s take a closer look at how to increase a man’s potential at home. But first, you need to understand what is commonly referred to as efficiency.


In Latin, the term potency means "strength. "This concept means that a man is able to have sex with a woman. In addition, this term includes in its concept the power of sexual desire, called libido, as well as the possibility of a male erection, the possibility of full sex that satisfies both partners. Efficiency refers to the general characteristics and intensity of a man’s intimate life. If you do not have mental stress and other negative factors, you will lead an active lifestyle, you will be able to retain the opportunity to enter intimacy until old age.

Erection problems

Before answering the question of how to increase a man’s potential, it should be noted that this area is very significant for not all members of the stronger. Currently, not only older men but also young people between the ages of 25 and 30 face the sexual sphere. The main causes of this problem are:

  1. Common stressful situations.
  2. Bad habits.
  3. Unhealthy, unhealthy diet.
  4. Irregular daily routine.
  5. Psychological problems in communicating with the opposite sex.

Difficulties with libido, impotence, or erection are a kind of shameful fact for many men, a manifestation of weakness. Instead of looking comprehensively at the specialist who needs to determine the cause of what is happening, the man is starting to use a variety of drugs that are currently widely represented in the pharmaceutical market. However, you should pay attention to the fact that it is very difficult to improve the potency in this way, as the intake of most drugs has almost no effect on the mechanism of sexual desire itself. Medications can solve a particular situation, but they cannot completely eliminate the problem. That’s why it will be helpful to learn how to increase a man’s potential at home.

Lack of intimacy with his partner due to weak potency

Improving potency

The way to improve potency depends on what specific cause caused such a problem. When we talk about how to increase a man’s potential, it should be noted that there will be an individual approach in each case. If you have any difficulties, consult a specialist who will perform a comprehensive test. In some cases, the decrease in libido is physiological, intrinsic:

  1. Overweight.
  2. Violation of blood circulation.
  3. Hormonal changes or disorders in this area.
  4. Bad habits.

Physiology has no determinant of male potency. Most stronger ones don’t know that the appearance of a new partner in their life, or the rise of emotions in a long-term relationship, naturally increases sexual desire. A warm and trusting relationship is important. Since then, the atmosphere in the family has been most favorable, with sexual intercourse occurring twice as often as between disadvantaged couples.

After the study and the cause of the potency loss in men, their own therapeutic regimen is developed in each case. Your doctor will only prescribe medication if you notice any physiological abnormalities: endocrine diseases, urological inflammation, vascular disorders. As a general rule, treatment cannot be performed without medication. After analyzing the overall situation, the specialist will make recommendations to the patient. In most cases, these tips relate to physical activity, nutrition, and restoring a healthy mental background between two people.

Problems communicating with the woman caused the man’s potential to weaken

How to increase a man's strength?

A qualified endocrinologist, urologist, or sexologist can easily answer the question of how to improve a man’s own strength without the use of pills and medications. In most cases, experts advise you to improve your overall quality of life, solve any health problems, and give up bad habits. When answering the question of how to quickly increase a man’s potential, it should also be noted that it is imperative to start the fight against obesity, if any, to include healthy foods in the diet, to abstract from stressful situations, to exercise more, to have sexYou are your partner. Such an approach to the problem helps to increase excitement, prolongs the entire time of sexual intercourse. In this case, the effect will be long-term and not temporary, as with any drug. So let’s take a closer look at how you can increase a man’s strength at home.

Daily regime

If a man notices the first signs of weakening potency, he should not start taking medications or topical preparations immediately. As a general rule, in many cases you only need to change your lifestyle. Poor mobility, sedentary work, insufficient physical activity cause a decrease in energy tone, stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, which can cause male erectile dysfunction. Quitting smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages, physical activity, normal sleep, rest, and work do not increase potency quickly, but at the same time are effective enough.

The man noticed the first signs of potency problems

If you don’t know how to increase a man’s potential at home, be sure to play sports like swimming, jogging, sports games. The fact that such exercises normalize the hormonal background, reduce weight, improve the functioning of the body’s systems and organs, and relieve nervous tension. To maintain the normal functioning of the entire nervous system, you must follow a clear daily routine:

  1. Workout in the morning.
  2. Get enough sleep at night. In this case, sleep should be at least 8 hours.
  3. Warm up physically during breaks.
  4. Participate in daily physical activity.
  5. Normalize your work day.
  6. Walk more often in the fresh air in the evening before going to bed.

Performance characteristics

So we continue to consider how to increase a man’s potential and what it means to use it better. Increasing libido is possible without pills and medications if you follow a healthy and proper diet. There are products that increase the effectiveness of men. The diet must necessarily contain sufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins: Vitamin E, zinc, magnesium. In addition, foods on the daily menu should include high amounts of animal and vegetable protein, fiber, vegetable fats, and slow carbohydrates. It is best to prepare food in the oven or steamed while avoiding fried foods. To do this, you should exclude smoked meat, fast food, sugary soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.

The man lost his sexual attraction to his partner because of his weak potential

The diet should be based on lean meat, seafood, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, herbs and cereals. The main products that have an effect on improving libido as well as erection quality are:

  1. Walnut.
  2. Sea fish, shellfish, oysters.
  3. Celery.
  4. Parsley and other herbs.
  5. Garlic.
  6. Honey.
  7. Chocolate with a cocoa content of over 65%.

How to increase a man's strength with folk remedies?

It is recommended to use folk remedies to increase libido in combination with other activities. The fact is that herbs have the ability to increase male strength, testosterone levels, and restore the mechanism of timely and complete erections. In addition, folk remedies can significantly prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. Before increasing the potency in men with folk remedies, you should consult a specialist who should inform your patient about the side effects and contraindications of home prescriptions. The following are the most effective of them.

A man with weakened potency at a doctor's consultation

Herbal decoction

How to increase the effectiveness of a man at the age of 60? A very effective cure is a medicinal decoction. To do this, take two tablespoons of dried nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort flowers. The raw material is poured with boiling water and then kept at a high temperature for three minutes while mixing regularly. It should be noted that the soup should not be boiled. After this time, the medicine should be cooled and filtered. The decoction is used in the amount of a teaspoon before a meal. The duration of therapy is one month.

Ginseng extract

If you want to improve your erection quickly, you can take pills. How to increase a man's potential without the use of drugs? A very good method is ginseng extract. It can be purchased at absolutely any pharmacy. The tincture is used every morning in the amount of a teaspoon. It is necessary to take the medicine before meals. Ginseng extract should be drunk with a glass of plain water. The duration of therapy is two months.

Ginger root

Of course, your doctor can tell you which pills increase the effectiveness of men, but for a short time. What other natural remedies can cope with this problem? Many experts recommend the use of alcoholic tincture based on ginger root for these purposes. You can easily prepare it at home. To do this, you need to take 50 mg of dried ginger root and a glass of alcohol. The roots are rubbed on a fine grater and then dried in the oven. As a result, you should receive about 50 mg of the ingredient. Ginger root is poured with alcohol. But if you are not there, you can use high quality vodka. The product should be infused at room temperature for three weeks. The medicinal product should be taken in a teaspoonful before a meal while drinking a glass of water. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months.

Dried fruit syrup

Syrup made from spices and dried fruits is not only healthy but also delicious. To prepare, 60 g of prunes, dried apricots, raisins and a dessert spoon of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon, cardamom and cloves should be chopped and mixed. All of these ingredients are poured into a glass of semi-sweet red wine. The syrup should be kept on fire for one hour, stirring regularly. A finished product is used three tablespoons a day in an amount. The duration of therapy is three weeks.

An erectile dysfunction in a man caused by stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs


You can also improve your potency without special medications and pills by using gymnastics for this purpose. You can also do the exercises in the gym or at home. Their goal is to eliminate the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, which is a common cause of erectile dysfunction among men. Let's look at the most effective practices:

  1. Walking on the bottom. It is necessary to sit on the floor, put your hands on your hips or waist, bend your legs to your knees. Raise your legs above the floor, step forward, move your weight from one butt to the other, then back. For 5 sets, 10 back and forth movements must be performed.
  2. Bicycle. You should lie on your back on a flat surface and raise your foot above the floor at a 90-degree angle. Perform rotating movements that simulate cycling. Such an exercise should be performed for 2-3 minutes while gradually increasing the execution time.
  3. Pendulum. The legs should be spread across the shoulder width, sit down so that the buttocks are flush with your knees. Perform swinging movements with your pool back and forth. The oscillation should last for about 30-40 seconds, but the duration gradually increases. The interval between sequences should be 30-60 seconds. The number of approaches should be 3-5.


As mentioned earlier, the potency-enhancing tablets have only a temporary effect. The following drugs have proven to be the best in the pharmacy market:

  • It is an effective adjuvant with antibodies produced against endothelial NO synthase, which are used to increase male libido. It has a positive effect on all components of the male sexual sphere. Use medication to treat poor libido and erectile dysfunction.
  • The best medicine with udenafil for men. The drug begins to be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, causing an erection to begin within 25 minutes. The excitement lasts all day. Neither alcoholic beverages nor high-calorie foods affect the effectiveness of the cure.


Improving potency at home is also possible if you live a normal life, follow a proper diet and diet, and use the recipes of traditional medicine in the complex. In addition, experts recommend regular sexual intercourse to maintain testosterone levels naturally. This will help you avoid future problems.